How to Sign off a learning item for an employee on Tablet

Signing off a learning item for employees on the Nvolve App on Tablet / iPad

Log in to the Nvolve app as an administrator or manager. On the menu, tap on workforce then select "Employees". 

Tap on the employee from the list to open their record. 

Employees list screen

Use the search bar or the Learning plan filter option to find a particular course and tap on the course to enter.

Learning plan list screen

Tap on the supporting information and ensure employee has read all the associated documents in this section.

Supporting information screen with supporting files highlighted

Tap on the Competency Check to complete the assessment if available.

If there are multiple questions, use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate through the assessment and tap on Submit once all questions are answered.

Assessment questions screen

Tap on Mark as Completed located in the top right corner and use the Sign Off section to capture the employee's signature and your signature as the manager / trainer. Make sure to tap on Save Updates once all the steps are completed.

Trainer signature screen with signature

Once all the training is completed, tap on the menu button on the top left corner of the screen and tap SYNC. Tap yes for the pop-up message while doing the sync. 

Note: To ensure that all training data is successfully uploaded to the platform, please perform the Sync on the tablet at the end of the training session or at the end of the day. Failure to complete the Sync will result in the training not being marked as Completed on the platform.

Learning dashboard screenMenu showing sync option