How to Create Multiple New Procedures

Creating Multiple Procedures

  1. Please navigate to the Digital Procedures section within the platform.

  2. Please select the "Import Procedures" button to proceed to a new window.

  3. Please click on the "Download Template" button to initiate the download of an Excel sheet to your computer.
  4.  Open the Excel sheet and carefully enter all the necessary information. Make sure to thoroughly complete each field related to the procedure. 
  5. It is important to save your completed information in the Excel sheet.
  6. Once you have saved your completed Excel sheet, navigate back to the Import Procedures section within Digital Procedures. There, click on the "Browse" button, which will enable you to locate and select the Excel sheet you have just saved.

  7. Carefully choose the Excel sheet and then proceed by clicking the "Preview" button.
  8. To finalize the upload, please click on the "Save Updates" button.