How to Convert a Procedure to an other Training and Skill?

Converting Procedures to another training and Skill

To begin, please log in as an administrator, ensuring that you have the appropriate permissions to access the necessary features.

Proceed to the Digital Procedures section located within the ‘Learning, Skills & Compliance’ area of the platform.

Digital procedures menu

Click on the icon on the relevant procedure. 

Digital procedures page

Select the 'Show more' button, then choose the 'Convert to Other Training/Skill' option from the menu that appears.procedure details page, select more button then Convert to other training or skill

Please verify your intention to proceed with converting the procedure to a different type. Confirmation pop up box

In the 'Learning, Skills & Compliance' tab, kindly select 'Other training/skills'. You will then find the procedure you converted displayed in the table.

other training or skills page