Creating News Stories on the Nvolve platform
To begin, Login as a manager/administrator with the correct permissions.
Proceed to the Communication & Engagement Tab.
Subsequently, navigate to the News Stories tab.
To add a new News story, simply click on the red "New Post" button. Complete all required fields and ensure that you include an image, as this is essential for publishing the Post. To add an image, click on the image button and choose the desired image from your selection. To view how your post will appear on the mobile app, simply click on the red "Mobile App Preview" button. Once you are satisfied with your content and layout, proceed by clicking on the red "Publish Post" button to make your news story live.
To modify an existing post, simply click on the eye icon next to the post you wish to edit. Additionally, you can click on the number of Likes to see a list of users who have appreciated the post. To review the feedback and insights from users, simply click on the number of comments associated with the post.
Congratulations, you have now successfully added a news story to the platform, enhancing your communication with users.