How do I add a new Workgroup?

Adding new Workgroups to the platform.

To begin, please log in to the platform using your administrator or manager credentials. Once logged in, locate the Workforce Tab and click on the 'Work Groups' page.

Workforce Tab dropdown 

On the Work Groups Page, it lists all the existing workgroups where you can click on the icon to edit them. To create a new Workgroup click on the red 'New Work Group/Role' button found at the top right corner of the top of the table. Workgroups Page

Please complete the Work Group/Role Field by entering the necessary information, and if applicable, choose the appropriate Work Group/Role Family. Additionally, provide a brief description in the Description field to clarify the purpose of the workgroup. New Workgroup Set up page

To incorporate training into the new workgroup, please click on the red "Manage Work Group / Role Training" button. This will allow you to select the desired training programs and transfer them to the Selected Column located on the right side of the screen. Assigning training to workgroup

To save the training information to the new Work Group, please click on 'Save Updates.' Following this, you will need to assign employees to the Work Group. To do this, navigate to the 'Assign to Employees' tab, select the employees you wish to assign, and then move them to the 'Assigned Employees' column located on the right side of the page. Assigning employees to workgroup

To assign the work group to managers, please proceed by following the same steps outlined for assigning employees in the 'Assign to Managers' tab. 

To finalize the creation of the new work group, please click on the red 'Save Updates' button.