How do I add pulse Surveys to the platform

Adding Pulse Surveys to the Nvolve platform

Before you start, please ensure that you log in as a manager or administrator who has the appropriate permissions. 

Next, take a moment to head over to the Communication and Engagement page.

Next, please select the "Employee Voice" option. This action will display a table featuring a list of existing pulse surveys. To create a new survey, click on the red "New Pulse Survey" button.

Please provide the necessary information in the Survey Name and Description fields.

To add questions into your survey, simply click on the red "New Question" button. From there, choose the appropriate Question Type and enter your question in the designated field. Once you have completed this step, click on "Save Updates" to ensure your question is saved and added to the survey.

Next, proceed to the "Assign Survey" section, where you can designate the survey to the relevant employees or workgroups. To finalize your survey and ensure it is successfully added to the platform, please click the "Save Updates" button.

You have successfully added the survey to the platform.